Behind the risk of Caesarean section

Some pregnant women do caesarean section repeated for various reasons. Though doing repetitive cesarean could pose a risk to the woman's own health.
Currently, many pregnant women who gave birth by Caesarean section well because it has a problem with the pregnancy or not.
The number of women undergoing caesarean section is also affected by increasingly sophisticated reproductive technology or the size of the baby is too large due to increased diabetes in pregnant women.

"Caesarean section is one type of surgery necessary to save the mother and the baby. But if the mother is often perform a cesarean section, it can be dangerous and pose health risks."

The risk of such a hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) is almost five times higher among women who had 4 times a caesarean, as well as a higher risk of blood transfusion if it is 6 times a caesarean.

Most doctors do not advise women to perform a cesarean section is more than 3 times. If she is pregnant again, it will be advisable to give birth vaginally or normal.

Quoted from FoxNews, Wednesday (20/10/2010) caesarean section repetitive allows the occurrence of complications. One potential complication is abnormal placentation or placenta accreta. This abnormal placentation occurs in 1 in 2,500 pregnancies.

Some other risks of repeated cesarean section are:
Ruptured uterus (uterine rupture)
Women often do caesarean section have a greater risk of uterine rupture condition. This is because the scar in the uterus susceptible to torn or destroyed and scarring is more risky than a low horizontal scar. Women who experience this condition the possibility of risk of infant mortality is 10 times higher.

Adhesions and scar tissue
As with any other abdominal surgery, it will also lead to cesarean scar tissue or adhesions. Some women there who feel the pain of the adhesion, but there also are become paralyzed as a result. Extensive adhesion can lead to other complications that cause pain, causing discomfort.

Placenta previa
The risk of cesarean delivery repeatedly making the placenta lies too close to the cervix, so if the cervix is ​​open can cause miscarriages and severe bleeding. If bleeding occurs very much can lead to anemia requiring blood transfusions or mother.

Placenta accreta
Placenta acreta happen if a placenta attaches too deeply into the uterine wall, and a cesarean scar can increase this risk. This condition is likely to involve damage to the uterus or other organs and bleeding.

Statistical data from the 1990s mention that less than 1 death of 2,500 who underwent caesarean section, compared to 1 in 10,000 for a normal delivery. However, the mortality rate for both the delivery process continues to decline today. Britain's health agency said the risk of maternal death undergoing caesarean section is three times the risk of death when undergoing normal delivery.

Babies born by cesarean section delivery often have trouble breathing for the first time. Often the baby affected the influence of drugs given to the mother.

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