Smartphone dengan Pendingin Air

The mobile phone users smartphone specification must have felt excessive heat while using a smartphone such pride. Along with the performance and the performance of mobile processors increases, the issue of this one started to become a serious problem.

Not only because they interfere with comfort, but also can affect the stability of the device in question because it can make the mobile phone on fire even explode.

Now there is a powerful solution to overcome these problems. Mid-May, NEC, prosusen from Japan, introduced the first smartphone models are equipped with heat shock-based liquid. Name of the smart phone is Medias X.

The workings of heat shock technology in Medias X is similar to the engine cooling system on a motor vehicle or on a PC-cooled water (water cooling) which uses liquid piped to a heat source (the processor), and then taken to the "radiator" to remove heat.

NEC claims this method can effectively reduce the heat generated by high-performance smartphone processor. In addition, other high profile vendors such as Apple, Samsung, and HTC are interested in using the technology similar to the products.

Reliable sources say that the producers were going to start removing the smartphone with liquid-based cooling, as soon as possible in the fourth quarter of this year.

Differences with the PC, for implementation in smartphones, the size of the cooling system should be shortlisted as small as possible. Pipe based fluid (heatpipe) on the NEC Medias X, for example, only 0.6 mm in diameter, much smaller than similar pipes on thin ultrabook laptops having a diameter of 1-1.2 mm.

Currently there are several manufacturers of components that are capable of producing 0.6 mm diameter heatpipes, including Furukawa Electric, auras, TaiSol Electronics, and Chaun-Choung Technology. However, the manufacturing method they still have to be improved because it is only able to generate the level of production (yield rate) of 30 percent.

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